Beranda Label This publish was very last up to date at six:29 p.m. ET. Enlarge this imagePeople seek out survivors underneath the rubble of homes wrecked by Saudi airstrikes around Sanaa Airport

Label: This publish was very last up to date at six:29 p.m. ET. Enlarge this imagePeople seek out survivors underneath the rubble of homes wrecked by Saudi airstrikes around Sanaa Airport

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Menteri PUPR RI: Tingkatkan Kemampuan Mengelola Air

▪︎Pesan Menteri Basuki Puncak Peringatan Hari Air Dunia Ke-32 ▪︎JAKARTA –,- Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, menghadiri acara puncak peringatan Hari Air Dunia...